Maybe I've been watching too much Project Runway and was carried away with the idea of pattern making and crafting under pressure. I thought for sure I was on my way to post a how-to on this little number - ha! Little did I know that rough times were ahead for my "easy" holiday project. The liner base is not nearly as attractive as I had envisioned, I had numerous thread issues on both my sewing and embroidery machines, and the overhang did not end up quite even from basket front-to-back. Don't get me wrong, I think it turned out just fine in the end, but there are a few flaws hiding in this sweet basket. It was a-TASKet indeed, but luckily my sweet Easter boy is worth it!
PS - Should anyone happen upon a fabric liner for handled baskets tutorial, please leave the link in the comments as I may add a liner re-do to my to-do list!